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Showing posts from May, 2018

Do people really win money in online poetry contests?

Are you sceptical whether people really win cash prizes in the online poetry contests ? There are so many contests online these days and it certainly makes one wonder whether these contests are real and whether the contest organizers really distribute these prizes. These are legitimate concerns and important questions you should ask. If you are not cautious you could be losing your time, effort and even money sometimes without knowing that you are being scammed. Before we go any further with the discussion, you should know that there are number of genuine contests online. Not all the contests you come across are risky. Reputed contest organizers conduct poetry contests regularly to support the community of writers and poets. Top talents are identified through these contests and your hidden talents too could shine through these contests. You should not therefore treat all contests equal and you should also not blindly trust all contests. How do you know whether the online contests